AES Expert Speaks At United Spinal Association Work Readiness Program

Allsup Employment Services (AES) Manager Rachel Deick spoke at the United Spinal Association’s Work Readiness & Education Program during a virtual presentation Tuesday, July 23, 2024. This joint effort highlights the shared mission of AES and the United Spinal Association, a nationwide nonprofit organization, to support individuals with disabilities in achieving greater independence and quality of life.
United Spinal Association’s Work Readiness Program is designed to support the pursuit of job opportunities for all wheelchair users, including people with SCI/D. The program provides access to resources for people who want to return to work, including information about benefits, transitioning to employment, how-to guides, and guidance on removing barriers to employment, as well as access to mentors who have successfully returned to work after injury or diagnosis.
Interested individuals may register online for the free 13-week program.
Free Virtual Help To Prepare For Work
During this free virtual event, Deick, Manager of Vocational Case Management at AES, discussed the Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work (TTW) Program and employment opportunities for people with spinal conditions.
As a Social Security-authorized Employment Network (EN), Allsup Employment Services has helped thousands return to work through TTW, the Social Security Administration’s work incentives program available to all Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients.
Deick explained job services AES provides to SSDI beneficiaries including:
- Assistance applying for a job.
- Resume guidance.
- Interview coaching techniques.
- Job search assistance.
- Job accommodation guidance.
- Ongoing support once employment is obtained.
Watch the full presentation on Allsup Employment Services and the Ticket To Work Program.
Working Together To Help Rebuild Careers
As a long-time champion of United Spinal Association, AES participates in virtual and in-person events designed to make the TTW Program easy to understand and highlight employment services and resources for disability beneficiaries who would like to return to work.
United Spinal’s Work Readiness Program also supports employers interested in ensuring that people with disabilities are represented in their workforce by providing guidance and resources in recruitment, onboarding, and accommodations through trainings and distributing job opportunities to their national network of members and 50 chapters.
Learn more about the Work Readiness Program at
Learn more about returning to work with Ticket to Work or Allsup Employment Services by calling 866-540-5105, or visit
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